Tools For Home Repairs (Approved Info You Need)


When it comes to buying tools for home repairs your going to need quite a few. I will give an opinion on some that I have found very useful, and a few of the better quality ones that I have come across over the years.

Some Of The Basic Tools

Start out with the usual hammers, best get a couple of them as they seem to have a tendency to walk away. Then buy yourself some screwdrivers, and you will need just about every kind and size that’s made. You will also need a good tape measure, most of them don’t last even if there expensive or cheap, but that could be just me and the rough use I put them through.hammers screwdrivers tape

Cordless Drills

A cordless drill is a must and an excellent do it yourself tool. There is many makes of these, some better then others, so if you do your homework before buying one its a good idea. Personally I recommend twenty volt drills as they seem to be strong enough for most things, and the battery stays charged longer then the smaller ones. Right now I am using twenty volt Mastercraft which is ok. Also think Makita, Dewalt, Bosch, and Milwaukee are some of the better ones.battery drills

Electric Sanders

An electrical orbital sander is also a must for tools along with a belt sander. I find the orbital sanders are good for finishing off to give a smooth finish, while the belt sander will level off rough wood much faster and even remove old paint. There are many makes of these on the market so is your choice of what to buy. A little hint is that I have gone through four lesser name brand belt sanders to one Makita orbital sander, so something to think about.electric sanders

Circular Saws

Another must have tool for the do it yourself is a circular saw. I have used quite a few different ones through out my life, and at the present time am using a Makita seven and one quarter inch. This saw I have had in use for over twenty years, and last year was the first I had to change the brushes in it , has been an amazing saw.circular saw

Smaller Tools

A few smaller tools you will probably need are a stapler, putty knife, square and level. The speed square is handy for cutting lumber as you can lay it across the piece and line your saw up against it for a square cut. Smaller and in a triangle shape I find it easier to work with then the larger squares, but is good to have both. As levels go is best to have a four foot , and a two foot one, the more expensive ones will last longer. Another good item is a stud finder used for locating two by fours or two by sixes behind the gyprock on your walls if you wont to hang pictures or what ever.levels square stapler


Other things you should have around the home is a good stepladder, great for painting those eight foot walls. I also use a multifunctional ladder. These can be used for getting at hard to reach places like over a set of stairs, and can be even adjusted to sit on the different stair levels, plus it extends out to thirteen feet so is a very versatile ladder. Along with these you might wont a step stool. There are different ones, some three step, four step and two step also, and the ones with wider space for the feet are more comfortable if standing on them for a length of time. There also handy  for paint jobs where you are unable to squeeze a ladder in, and being lighter then a ladder easier to move around.

Pliers And Other Things

Some other tools that are helpful for around the place include tin snips and needle nose pliers, which I use sometimes on taps in bathrooms and kitchens. Also a can of spray lube helps when trying to remove stubborn tap fixtures, and some faucets are held on with hex screws that require a set of allen keys. Also a utility knife is a must have when removing silicone from around tubs or other places, and also for cutting 2015 march5 010

Dust Mask, Chisels, Chalk Line

Another tool you might need is a dust mask, if you happen to do some sanding, wood or gyprock. Wood chisels are also a great buy  and can be used for adjusting door latches or where the hinge fits. They have multiple uses as I often use them to clean off old gaskets on motorcycle parts. Just keep a good file around for keeping them sharp. You probably wont a chalk line, a great tool for marking gyprock before cutting.chisels chalkline


Next if your doing any gardening around the place, a shovel is a must. The round mouth and a square nose are a good buy. I find the square nose shovel excellent for removing old shingles when a roof job is needed.


Another tool that works well is a Multi-Crafter. It will cut metal and wood, and also do fine sanding. I find this tool very handy as it gets into places other tools will not reach. If laying a floating floor or installing hardwood floors this tool will cut away under door jambs instead of having to use a handsaw. Also can be used for cutting out on gyprock where electrical plugs will go, does a really good job.multi-crafter

Home Project Tools

There is probably no end to the tools you can buy and need for keeping your home in shape, and doing different jobs around the place. as you keep working on projects  around the house you might wont  a table saw, miter cut off saw, reciprocating saw, jigsaw saw, band saw and others. The  list seems to just keep growing, anyway I wish everyone the best of luck on there tools for home repairs, and the many projects  to keep the place looking good.saws


If you have any comments or new ideas just leave a message.


15 thoughts on “Tools For Home Repairs (Approved Info You Need)”

  1. Hi Wayne, This is a terrific tool list. Pretty much on the mark. I would like to share my favourite tool if that would be OK. It is a simple looking painters scraper. I can’t upload a picture, but it looks similar to a small flat style pry bar. Believe it or not, it is the handiest tool I have used in a long time.

    I use it to pry off baseboards or wood trims so they won’t get damaged. I use it to lift heavy objects to nudge them into place or adjust the legs on big appliances. There are so many uses. Because of the shape, it is stronger when used opposite to what it should be. You can do the most amazing things with it. Give it a try.

    • Hi Daisy, thanks for leaving a comment about my post. I think I have seen one of those painter
      scrapers your referring to, don’t have one, but if I run across any will give it a try. Thanks
      for the tip, sounds like it would be real handy.

      • Hi again Wayne,
        The only way I could think of to show you is that I made a little video of Mario using a paint scraper to lift a very heavy filing cabinet. We also use it to remove old trim safely without damage (baseboard, casing, etc) in a similar manner. It is much stronger by twisting it sideways like he does in the video. I am putting the link here, because I don’t know how else to get it to you. It is a very tiny object but very powerful. You don’t have to publish this comment, but if you want the paint scraper in action little video, please use it for your site.

        • Hi Daisy,
          Thanks for showing me that scraper in the video. They look to be really strong, so will make a point
          of buying one. I appreciate you taking the time to make the video, thanks very much.
          Take care.

  2. Great article. Very imformative, especially if you are about to improve part of your homes. Yet, I beleive that men should keep some of these things in the garage, just in case, for small repair works!

  3. Hello Wayne, thanks for making my day much easier. I just wanted to make a list with tools that I need for my little project in and outside the house. Now, I’m not going to waste time, it’s ALL in here 🙂

    • Hi Doru, thanks for taking a look at my article, is appreciated. Yes it seems we always need
      quiet a few tools around the home.

  4. Good list of essential tools, Wayne. My wife and I renovated 9 apartments a number of years ago and, honestly, did not always have the best tools. It made the job much harder than it could have been had I invested in the right tools.

    One tool I constantly had difficulties with, which you don’t mention here, is a miter box. There are a lot of relatively inexpensive miter boxes that do not give you good, clean 45 degree corners. My recommendation to anyone who is planning to do a good amount of mitering over time would be to spend a little more money and get a miter saw with a structurally solid base that doesn’t slide. Avoid the cheap miter boxes.

    • Hi Allyn,
      Thanks for the comment, is appreciated. I do agree completely with you about miter boxes, have had a few of those wooden ones and there not worth buying. I bought a good miter saw about ten years ago and that was a great investment, a very handy tool to have. I liked your site on Plantar Fasciitis, very informative, my heel is improving with exercise that I do for it. Thanks again and have a good week.

  5. Thanks for sharing a great list of power tools. Especially for the Makita tools. Though it’s took a long time to complete reading but I didn’t lose attraction. Thank’s again.

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, just read your excellent post on orbital sanders.
      Have owned a Makita model for many years, with no break downs. Seem to be very good quality tools.
      Thanks again.


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